Our Story

How it all started...

Pastors Blare and Elise have always been "builders" in ministry, creating things that didn't previously exist, and they've seen God use those ministries in miraculous ways as they've walked in obedience to His call. Over the years, many people encouraged them that they would plant a church one day, but they would often brush it off, knowing the level of sacrifice to plant a church. To plant a church would mean to step out into the unknown, and it was scary.

God's call on their lives to build, however, has only amplified. After praying and fasting in Summer of 2022 about their future and next steps in an otherwise challenging year, God made it clear. The Wood family was in fact called to plant a church. So, they moved back to Arizona in April of 2023 to begin building again, to walk in complete obedience to God's call to build His Church for the thriving community of Tempe, Arizona and its surrounding areas. Valley Collective was born out of a living room prayer meeting as we called on heaven with 15 other people who are passionate to see Jesus' Name made known in greater Phoenix. Brick by brick, every next step of obedience has led VCO Church to this point. Collectively, along with the greatest team in the world, we are just getting started.

We are Valley Co

VCO stands for Valley Collective, capturing the heart of the beloved term of our immediate area - the Valley of greater Phoenix, as well as the understanding of valleys as seasons in our lives that all of us have walked. The highs and the lows, God is still faithful. It is in community where God does His greatest work, so our aim is to provide a place where people feel like they can come as they are, regardless of the pain, past, or hurts they've endured, and find a God who isn't far. We believe people shouldn't have to endure their valley alone, but instead, as a collective of people arm in arm. Even in the valleys, God always shows up.

Be a part of the story, and join us on Sunday morning at 10:30am